
CYLIM87’s NFT Marketplace

By CYLim

September 11, 2022

What Is a Non-Fungible Token (NFT)?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are cryptographic assets on a blockchain with unique identification codes and metadata that distinguish them from each other.

Unlike cryptocurrencies, they cannot be traded or exchanged at equivalency. This differs from fungible tokens like cryptocurrencies, which are identical to each other and, therefore, can serve as a medium for commercial transactions.

Key Takeaways

This few days I have been explore more in-dept into the NFT and at the same time buy & mint some NFT. At this point of time, I am on Pentas, OpenSea. (Might be go for other Marketplace with different Network)

I am verifying my profile at @pentas_io
0xC94EF04223e8e2C062eCaF2E9400f32A714e560b#Pentas #NFT

— Chongyi (CY), Lim (@cylim87) September 7, 2022

Check out this account on OpenSea via @opensea #OpenSeaNFT #openseaartists #openseaart #OpenSeaCollection #openseanfts

— Chongyi (CY), Lim (@cylim87) September 10, 2022

Most of the photoshoots available are unique and won’t be available in other network. (All photoshoots NFT owner will get RAW and original JPG file with metadata) However, all of my artwork will be available across network.