
ZeroSSL: SSL Protection for Anyone

By CYLim

November 17, 2020

Most of the website required to have SSL in order to up their rank in Google Search since 2 years ago as per mentioned in here.

HTTPS encryption protects the channel between your browser and the website you’re visiting, ensuring no one in the middle can tamper with the traffic or spy on what you’re doing. Without that encryption, someone with access to your router or ISP could intercept information sent to websites or inject malware into otherwise legitimate pages.

If you search for an SSL platform, you will come across a number of options including some paid providers. Today, we’ll talk about ZeroSSL (It also known as “SSL For Free” previously), offering a completely free platform for SSL certificates for your website, domain or backend system through an easy-to-use UI and API. With ZeroSSL, you can get single domain, multi-domain and wildcard certificates for free through ACME, and you can also create 1-year certificates with an affordable subscription plan.

ZeroSSL gives you an intuitive management console that allows you to configure new SSL certificates, initiate validation and installation, and manage existing certificates. It also includes expiration reminders, developer settings to access or reset API access keys, and more. With ZeroSSL, you get one-step email validation, automatic Certificate Signing Requests, CNAME Validation, and HTTP file uploads.

I have been using this platform for more than 1 years with Free Plan and upgrade to Basic Plan for few months already due to the free package comes with 3 90-day certificates only.

Head over to the company’s website now to learn more and try ZeroSSL’s free SSL protection today.