Battery Fully Charged Notification (For One UI Bixby Routine and iOS Shortcut)

As time goes by, phone battery discharge easily and we might need to fully charge the mobile device 2 times daily.
Basically, we can do something in order to prolong the battery lifespan such as:

  • Don’t overcharge (Even though the phone software does help to disconnect the power source once fully charged)
  • Try to charge from low battery and charge until 100%

I would introduce some settings that provide notification when the mobile device fully charged.
For now, it’s iOS and Samsung device since I owned S10 and iPad.
I would only used existing features that available within the OS itself.

For Samsung, it would be the Bixby Routines. (Settings – Advanced features – Bixby Routines)
Bixby Routines currently have the IF option to select Battery level equal to 100%.
You could refer to the screenshot below.
I am also introducing another Routines that already pre-defined inside to save battery.

Fully Charged Bixby Routines

Save battery at night Bixby Routines

The notification for my Bixby Routines is not that alerting as you seen from the above screenshot.
However, there is some other “Then” action such as Play song in Spotify.
I would prefer to put notification tone instead.

iOS use Shortcut instead.
Shorcut is an application that come with iOS.
It does come with a lot of things that can be done compare with Bixby Routines.
You could refer to the screenshot below for my automation in Shortcut.

Shorcut Automation for Battery fully charged

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