Rollercoin: Season Pass & #CYInDepth

Rollercoin Season 2: Dark Star

Rollercoin, I have been playing this game for nearly 6 months now.
You can just earn mining power by just playing the game at the website.
The more game you play and win, the more mining power you get.

Rollercoin introduce Season Pass 2 months ago.
Season Pass is well known to most of the gamers out there.
The pass is free and there will be extra rewards if we paid to upgrade.
Basically we complete quests and gain EXP to get rewards plus if we upgraded it, we gain extra rewards.

Rollercoin Season 2 1st few rewards

Currently, Rollercoin is in Season 2 right now.
As of now, 1st and 2nd season consist of different quests.
In my point of view, Season Pass for the current season is hard to achieve.
However, it is achievable as per the below Facebook post from Rollercoin.

As per the above post, we can get all the free rewards by end of the season.
Technically, you get free miner at the end of the season even though you no need to spend anything.
For me, it’s a big upgrade for Free-to-Play users out there.

CYLIM87's Miners

The picture above is just an update from my progress.
Basically, I bought the RollerMillion few months back which you could watch here.
Next would be the Season 1 Perfection series miners and some miners I bought when I just started the game.
Recently, I also bough the Limited Halloween Case lootboxes and get The Creeper.
I expected to get around 32 RLT in a month by using the Rollerbuddy from my previous post.

Rollerbuddy Screenshot with inputs

Next, I will talk about Rollercoin in detail. #CYInDepth
From what I see, this game has huge player base and the players (which include me) willingly to purchase the season pass and the miner to increase the mining power.
As seen from their recent update, they are very committed to the game by tackle bots issue and prepare a lot of interesting features coming in the next few months which you can refer here.


Rollerbuddy Picture

Rollerbuddy, technically a Rollercoin calculator.

This site is to check how much would you get with your mining power as per you allocate to the coin.

The calculation formula is as per calculated from here


The site was sourced from here.

Rollercoin: Block Reward / Network Power


Mining Power, Network Power and Block Reward.
The 3 main feature inside the game that affect the rewards that we get in the game.

Rewards are calculated separately in each coin, based on the mining pool size.
Your rewards are calculated by the amount of power that you allocated in a single crypto VS the whole mining pool.
Below is the current mining pool of every coin in the game.

Rollercoin Mining Pool

So, I would just roughly calculate how much we will get from each block reward.
Let’s imagine that you have 400,000 Th/s and you split it equally between all coins.
It goes for 100,000 TH/s for a coin, equals 0.1 Eh/s.
The block reward in RLT is 30 RLT every 10 minutes.
That means that your reward in RLT will be 30 / (5,546 / 0.1) = 0.54 RLT every 10 minutes. Your reward in an hour just multiply it by 6 which is equivalent to 3.3 RLT with that amount of power.

With this, I won’t be splitting the power equally.
Due to the reward is divided among the Network Power, I would put more power to those mining pool with lesser power in order to get more rewards.
As usual, you could just split it equal between 4 coins.
It’s up to you to decide.
However, please bear in mind that you can only change the power split once every 12 hours.

Happy Mining everyone.

Below is my referral link.


Usage of CryptoTab & Rollercoin Update

It’s been more than 1 month since I used CryptoTab and RollerCoin from here.

I have been using CryptoTab & RollerCoin for more than 1 month and the result was okay.
As check from CryptoTab, I have mined total 0.00005197 BTC which include referral network.
Basically, I can withdraw due to minimum withdrawal which is 0.00001 BTC.

CryptoTab Withdrawal Page

I have quite some crypto wallet, which include Luno and Binance.
It took around 5 hours to reach my Luno wallet.

Next, RollerCoin finally reach 1 million users few weeks back and release limited miners for this special moment.
However, the RollerMillion is currently sold out.
Basically, I could get around 1 RLT+- daily (whereby I put all my power into RLT) after I acquire RollerMillion as you can see in the image below.


On a side note, I did purchase 7 RollerMiner S4 few weeks back as I mentioned here this miner is quite worthwhile.
However, it did really really little compare to RollerMillion as my ranking goes from 40k to 3k & power from TH/s to PH/s.

Rollercoin Power Comparison

You could refer to the below for the video.
In this video also include how to withdraw from Binance to other wallet.

RollerCoin Walkthrough & Beginner Guide

Rollercoin Screenshot

As per my previous post, RollerCoin is an online Bitcoin mining simulator game.
You can earn cryptocurrency by playing mini-games and then use it to buy crypto miners and start earning a passive income.

This guide focuses on how we can use the platform to Earn Cryptocurrency.
Inside, we are going to inspect the earning potential and efficiency of various methods.

Rollercoin Promo

After you sign up and customize your avatar, you will be in a room like below.

Rollercoin Lobby

From what I can see, there are 3 key ways. You can play games, collect virtual miners, and make referrals. The first two raise your hashrate, which allows you to mine cryptocurrency faster.
The games temporarily boost your rate while the miners give you a permanent increase.

Rollercoin Game

RollerCoin has a selection of 10 distinct mini-games to choose from. You will be familiar with them because of their similarity to other popular titles.
You build your mining rate by winning these games.
Winning three games will advance its level, difficulty, and rewards.


First thing first after you have won 10 games, it awards you a new computer.
Typically, your hashrate gained from playing games expires after only 24 hours.
However, better computers allow you to extend the time this bonus power lasts.

This should be your first target since it makes playing games on RollerCoin far more profitable.
The highest level computer which is Roller-MacPro extends the bonus power duration from 24 hours to 168.
This indirectly places a 7x multiplier on the amount of crypto you earn from games.
We should note that to maintain the PC and stop it from vanishing, you must win at least one mini-game each day.

Miners in Rollercoin Market

Basically, the crypto that you earn you could either stack them up and withdraw them eventually OR you could reinvest the money back into miners and start earning crypto passively.
There are several miners available to choose from in the RollerCoin market.
Mostly purchasable with RLT.

The best initial miner purchase for free-to-play player is the cheapest RollerMiner S4 at 4696 SAT.
In terms of hashrate per SAT, it is the best you can purchase.
So let’s say you wanted to invest a small amount for fun.
The Dream Demolisher 3000 is the most powerful and highest value for money.

Lastly, I will reinvest the money earned from games and referrals into miners.
The game has great potential.
I have enjoyed my time using the platform whilst writing this article.
I don’t think I’ll be playing 300 games a day like some more hardcore community members.
However, I have unlock and maintain the Roller-MacPro.

Cryptocurrency In 2021

Recently or should I say since beginning of this year, the Cryptocurrency price increase rapidly.
With each Bitcoin (BTC) price rise to RM 266k, Ethereum (ETH) to RM 17k.

This is phenomenal!

Luno Malaysia only supports trading of cryptocurrencies that are approved by the Securities Commission Malaysia.
At present Luno supports Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH).

Luno Website Screenshot

Binance Website Screenshot

On the other hand, there is another one which is Binance.
This offer quite a lot of crypto to exchange.

R1 LTC Router

From my 2017 post about Cryptocurrency, I discover few method to mine this crypto.
Basically, I am not rich yet due to I sold off some of my crypto-asset some time back due to cash flow having problem.
Next, I even have 3 R1-LTC AntRouter.
However, this 3 specification has a 1.29 MH/s hashing power which is very low compare to those big mining machine out there.

Virtual Mining?

Okay. I have stumbled upon some site which basically provide “virtual mining” in my opinion, which is using off-site mining machine to mine.
Some sort like cloud mining? I am not really sure.
The more I research it, it’s kind of legit and you does not even need to have mining equipment or pay anything just to start mining.
On another part, you can earn by using referral link.
Some sort like MLM, you get some % that your downline get.
I believe that they earn from ads and website traffic from doing this? Who knows.
But then since it’s free to start and pay to get more, I can put it in one way whereby once I earn enough I will pay to earn more.

I will introduce 3 site that I have sign up.
1st is ETHOnline.
Another 1 is RollerCoin (This is more like play mining simulator game that earn crypto).
The last one is CryptoTab (Crypto Browser, another way to call it).

ETHOnline Balance Widget

For starter, ETHOnline is easy.
As name suggested, this site mine Etherium (ETH).
Just enter ETH address and sign up.
Then, it’s start earning already.
I believe this can earn even when you are not opening the site.

However, there is some bad feedback about this whereby you required to purchase plan to withdraw or wait sometime to actually withdraw.
Due to this, I have to 80% conclude that ETHOnline a SCAM.
Try not to pay for this.

Rollercoin Screenshot

Inside RollerCoin, you could mine some of the existing crypto such as BTC, ETH, DOGE and their own crypto, RollerToken (RLT).
Then, you could buy mining machine using their own crypto.
This one you could just play game inside the game to increase in-game hashrate.
The more hashrate, the more crypto you earn in a shorter timeframe.
I would explain more detail about this in my next post.

CryptoTab Screenshot

Another one is CryptoTab.
CryptoTab is a browser.
As from what I seen, it’s an exact clone of Chrome.
I believe it’s develop based on Chromium Engine.
Basically, this mine BTC while you surf the site using the browser (Or just open the browser is enough).
This browser also available in Android and iOS.

Lastly, as all of this consider service provider.
I cannot guarantee they will not shut down in the future.
Plus, don’t think this can earn like 100 bucks a day.
If like this, nobody want to work anymore.
Just take it as a side income during this pandemic lockdown.